Gift Shop

The Gift Shop is Now Open!

Don't forget to drop by the gift shop, where you can plaster your favorite chapter mascot across your chest, desk or tote bag. (And all merchandise is American-made, for you red-blooded types who care about such things.) Check out the new online Gift Shop to find out what the hubbub's all about!

Harvest Time
When the heart stops first, plans can turn for the worse.
Associated Press, Aug 28, 2002
Still, the pursuit of cardiac donors has raised ethical, medical and technical questions, partly because the organs must be
harvested almost immediately after the heart stops beating to prevent deterioration. Among them: How long after a heart stops beating before someone is dead? Are these organs good enough to transplant? Will the process make doctors and nurses nervous?

The Institute of Medicine, which advises the government on medical issues, had hoped to put those questions to rest. In 1997 and again in 1999, the institute concluded that using these donors is "important, medically effective and ethically acceptable." A panel of experts urged all organ banks to explore the option.

Yet there is a lingering sense of discomfort in many parts of the country, even a lack of interest. Often it is hard for doctors and nurses, who are sometimes uncomfortable with removing life support to begin with, said Dr. Christine Cassell, dean of the Oregon Health & Sciences University medical school and head of the institute's 1999 committee.

For cardiac donation to work, a family must consent before the person is declared dead. Then the medical team must watch the patient die. "That's a hard thing psychologically for doctors and nurses to do," Cassell said....

(Chapter 3)

To Science the Spoils
Donating your body to science? Londoners offer their opinions.

(Chapter 3)

Suicide by Croc
As promised, a despondent zoo visitor shares her grief — with hundreds of crocodiles.

(Chapter 10)

Tryst Twist
Young lovers succumb to more than passion during lunchtime rendezvous.

(Chapter 7)

Asleep Beneath the Wheel
A homeless woman's poor choice of berth.

(Chapter 4)

Up on the Roof
Frisbee pioneer becomes one with his invention.

(Chapter 10)

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